• Conference

Public debate New ways of living

As part of the « New Ways of Living » exhibition, coordinated by Urban and curated by CityTools and Dogma, CityTools is organising a public debate on alternative, affordable, accessible and unconventional housing.

– on tuesday 3rd of September
– from 6.30 to 8.30pm
– at Halles Saint-Géry (basement)
– exhibition exceptionally open until 9.30pm

The debate is in French but some experts may answer questions in Dutch or English.

Moderated by

→ Mathieu Berger, sociologist and associate professor at UCL
→ Antoine Crahay, cofounder of CityTools

With the experts

→ Esther Jakober (l'Ilot, Fair Ground Brussels)
→ Sophie Ghyselen (Community Land Trust Brussels)
→ Martina Serangeli (Communa)
→ Chloé Salembier (UCL, Calico, Angela D)
→ Gérald Ledent (UCL, Uses&Spaces)
→ Constance Uyttebrouck (KUL)

Free on registration here:bit.ly/nwl0309

More info

  • Date:05/09/2024 au 05/09/2024
  • Time:18:30 - 20:00
  • Cost:Free
  • Type:Public debate
  • Space(s):Ground floor