- Exhibition
During the Passa Porta festival, the elegant Halles Saint-Géry will become the real center of the festival. Here you will find information about the programs, book signings, the free Art Nouveau exhibition and a literary bsinthe.
The highlight of the festival will be the visit of Brecht Evens. Genius draftsman and multi-printed comic book author, Brecht Evens will realize a fresco in real time. His subject? The refuge, the main theme of this 9th edition of the Passa Porta Festival.
Literary guided tours of our exhibition "l'Art nouveau s'affiche!" will be offered.
More info
- Date:23/03/2023 au 26/03/2023
- Time:10:00 - 18:00
- Cost:Free as always
- Type:Performance
- Space(s):Ground floor